Avon Valley Runners Membership 2025

Organiser's Description
Dear Applicant,
Avon Valley Runners are pleased to announce that membership for 2025-26 is now open. Standard membership costs £29 for the first adult applicant per household, £25 for additional adult applicants in the same household, and youth/student membership costs £15.
Membership runs from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026 but anyone who signs up after 1st January 2025 automatically gets their membership extended to include this new season.
If you require England Athletic Affiliation this is an additional cost of £22.50 (for EA affiliation see our website membership page). EA membership runs from April to March and can be added when you select your membership type on your application form. AVR membership year runs April – March also. If you have signed up between Jan-March 2024 your EA membership will not be processed until April if you wish for it to be completed sooner then please contact the membership secretary.
After April please be aware that EA membership will take additional time to process as it must be sent to EA and dealt with by them. In the case of renewals your membership number will remain the same as long as you renew in time. For new memberships you can see if your number has been processed by checking your details online at https://myathletics.englandathletics.org/licencecheck/
Benefits of AVR Membership include
Coached training sessions
Club social events
Access to closed club races
Various discounts for local and online retailers
Every member of Avon Valley Runners automatically becomes a member of Avon Valley Triathletes. There is no extra charge. If you are interested in multisport activity please indicate this on your application so we can send you further information.
You can also join our AVT Facebook Group to find out what’s happening in our multi-sport section.
The information you provide us with on your application form will be stored in accordance with GDPR. Only members of the Club Committee have access to this data; it will be used only for specified and lawful purposes and will be kept securely. We will publish race results, information and photographs on our website, Facebook page and through our monthly E newsletter – if you would not like us to do this then contact us to ‘opt out.’
If you are renewing we hope you have enjoyed being a member of Avon Valley Runners and look forward to another excellent year of training, racing and socialising! If you are new to our club then a very warm welcome awaits.
Your club membership starts immediately after your payment has been processed and will expire on 31st March 2026. If you choose the "EA Competitive Membership" this includes the addition of England Athletics (EA) Affiliation for 2025/26 to your membership and costs £22.50 on top of the standard membership fee.
The England Athletics season for 2025/26 runs from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026 and this application is just the beginning of the affiliation application process which can take a few weeks to complete - more if you have to change your First claim club (to do this you will need make the request through the England Athletics athlete portal. The membership secretary will process your application for affiliation through the club and you will receive notification from England Athletics once the process is complete.
EA affiliation entitles you to:
discounted EA races
various discounts at all branches of sweatshop
a profile on the power of 10 website
it is also mandatory for certain races throughout the year
plus many other benefits detailed on the AVR membership page.
Avon Valley Runners is a club run solely by volunteers for the benefit of all our members. Please make yourself aware of the various codes of conduct and rules of the club. Should you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact a member of the committee, the first point of call being the club secretary.
As a club we rely heavily on its members volunteering for various activities throughout the year. To co-ordinate this we have a range of working groups, one of which organises all the voluntary activities within the club. Please check in with this group to find out about opportunities and seriously consider getting involved as the more people we have willing to help the more things we can organise and offer.
Yours faithfully
Avon Valley Runners