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Organiser's Description

Auchterarder 10K Chilli Trail Race.

Saturday 1st November 2025. 

Starting at 11am.

A very warm welcome to the return of our 10K Chilli Trail Race 2025! This event is organised by Five Star Events.

Please join us on our facebook page to get all the latest news

Please note –Runners must be age 16 or above on the day of the race.  Headphones on this course are NOT allowed (although bone conduction headphones are permitted).  Before entering, please note the race entry terms and conditions below.

Entry Fee – Online entry only.  Online entries will close on 25th October or when race limit is met. If the event has to be cancelled owing to forces outside the organisers control, we will look at rearranging the date first of all but if not possible we regret that NO entry fees can be refunded after entries have been processed.  We do not operate a deferment system.  We will offer the following - if you are unable to run and wish to nominate a substitue you will be able to submit a change request within entrycentral at no extra cost as long as this is done before 25th October 2025.  There will be NO refunds given once you enter so please make sure you can run on the event date before entering.   

Registration – All runners must register to collect their number and timing chip.  Registration will open at 9am and close at 10.30am from The Sports Hub, The Community School of Auchterarder in Auchterarder.  For safety reasons please do not swap numbers with other runners.  Runners must collect their own race number and timing chip IN PERSON. ID checks will be carried out so please be prepared for this and ensure you have some form of ID with you.  Please ensure personal details are entered onto the back of the number. 

Baggage - Unsecured baggage storage will be available at registration.  The race organisers take no responsibility for any items stored before, during or after the race.

Race Briefing – There will be a race safety brief emailed out to all runners the week before the event to go over any safety issues and give the opportunity for runners to ask any questions. 

Start time – The race will start prompt 11am.

Race Route - So, what makes the Chilli Trail Race so hot?? A closer look at the GPS map of the route lends a big clue, it's the distinctive shape of a Chilli Pepper!! Starting out in the town of Auchterarder the route pierces into the foothills of the Ochil Hills, with a variety of surfaces, views to die for, forest trails, steady uphills and exhilarating downhills and even a couple of stream crossings we think our Chilli Route has it all. Come see for yourself and experience the 'hottest trail race on the planet'!!

There is no cut off with our events so come and run, jog or walk it.  

Please follow all instructions from our race marshalls as they are there to ensure your safety. 

The spectacular race route will be emailed out to all runners prior to the race and will also be on the facebook page. 

Goody Bag – All runners will receive a snood and a bespoke Chilli Trail Race 2025 medal.  

Prizes – There will be prizes for the top 3 Male and Females, 1st Age Category Male and Female (Senior, V40, V50, V60 and V70+) as well as 1st Local Male and Female.

Car Parking – There will be plenty of on-street car parking around the start area in Auchterarder.

Race contact –For any queries about the race please email or call the Race Director, Fiona Watt, on or 07739365448.

Or find us on facebook at

Good Luck with your training!

GDPR - to view our event privacy notice please email us and we will be will happy to send it to you. 


First 200 places£21.00
25 Oct 2025 18:00£26.00

To sign-up for this event, the Service Fee is 4% (min 50p) for each sign-up

Dates and Status

Date: 01/11/2025

11:00:00 - 14:00:00

Status: Open

Total Places: 600

Places Available: ??



Fiona Watt