Melville Motor Club

Organiser's Description
Melville Motor Club runs events for motorcycle sportspersons young and not so young, sadly, our Club only stages and supports Road Racing. However, we are an affiliated Club of the SACU, and thus can approve competition licences for Scotland residents, satisfying the competition age limit criteria
The Club is run by volunteers, for the love of the Sport, all funds generated are invested back into the respective discipline.
Your membership will be processed as soon as possible, and your requested licence indicated on your licence form. There is no problem if you wish to change disciplines, or add extra disciplines (every additional licence will cost another £10 when you apply for your licence to the SACU.)
Please note, the SACU Portal will not allow licence purchases until December 2024.
Any problems, email:-
The Club is incorporated as a Company limited by guarantee and having no share capital. In the event of a winding up of the Company the members liability is limited to One Pound, on the other hand if wound up the Company’s assets can only be transferred to another similar body and cannot be distributed to members.
The financial year ends on 30th of November and an Annual General Meeting must be held before the end of February at which all the office-bearers and/or Directors retire. All are eligible for re-election.
Members must have been fully paid up for two consecutive years to serve on the Executive which runs the Club and are elected at the A.G.M
Any member who has not renewed a subscription at 1st March will have been deemed to have resigned.
Any additional business to be discussed at the A.G.M shall be in the Secretary’s hands 30 days before the A.G.M.
The Club is affiliated to the Scottish Auto-Cycle Union.
Any member bringing the sport or the Club into disrepute shall be removed from the register of members.