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Nairn Road Runners Membership 2024-2025

Organiser's Description

 Membership for Nairn Road Runners
Membership renewals due 1st May
we are currently offering free trial till then. 
You can donate £5 or select pay by check to sign up free. 

1. Who are we?

We are a small and friendly club, located in Nairn in the Highlands of Scotland.
Whether you are interested in taking up running, a bit of a novice or an experienced runner, we invite you to join us on any of our club nights, catering for all running abilities. We meet 3 times a week
Monday and Wednesday 7pm front of westerlea Thursday 19:30 Winter at Community centre Summer at the Maggot

2. What sort of people are members?

The Club is made up of ordinary people, of all ages from 18 onwards, who just want to get and stay fit. We have runners of all abilities from complete novices through to keen racers, marathon and ultra runners.

3 Supporting your club

We hold 3 “major” event yearly a 10K, Half Marathon and Turkey Trot. These 3 events are very important to the Club both to promote the sport of running and the financial viability of the Club. We ask that, as a club member, you show a willingness to volunteer and help out at these events or at any other club organised events.

Early Bird Fee before 31st May £15
After 31st May Fees will be £18.00

Membership of Nairn Road Runners - Important Information

In applying for club membership you agree to abide by all the rules of the club and of any “body” that the club is affiliated to. You agree that the details submitted may be stored on a computer. Any data we keep will not be passed on to a 3rd party for marketing purposes without your permission. You will inform coaches of any relevant health problems, at the beginning of each club training session.

In applying for club membership you understand that you participate in all club runs and activities at your own risk to yourself and your belongings and that you will not hold the committee or the organisers responsible for any injury, illness or loss to your person or property however caused.


31 May 2024£15.00
15 Apr 2025£5.00

For each sign-up, the organiser pays the Service Fee of 4% (min 50p). You pay no surcharge

Dates and Status

Expiry Date: 30/04/2025

Status: Open


Kevin Reid