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A Guided Run: In search of CRASH SITE OF US NAVY PB4Y-1 LIBERATOR 63926 has now closed and you will not be able to sign-up for it. Please check the Organiser's Description for any organiser updates.
This event is in a testing state, and is not open for public sign-ups until the organiser has launched it.

Organiser's Description

After the successful launch of my guide book; Dartmoor Trail and Fell Running, I have been asked to guide a few of the routes and more others not included , for those less confident in finding routes, and I am happy to do so.

On 28th December 1943, US Navy PB4Y-1 Liberator 63926 of VB-110 squadron crashed in West Okement Valley. The aircraft came down between the Slipper Stones and Steng-a-Tor on the west side of the valley, opposite the south end of Black-a-Tor copse, sadly with the loss of all 10 crew member on board. 
A memorial and some of the wreckage still remains.

This 10 mile run will take us to this site, via the highest peaks in southern England.

The route starts at Meldon resevoir car park  and heads out east to Yes tor and High Willhays before dropping into the West Okemont Valley and up to the crash site.
we will then head north back via Sourton Tor back to the car park.
 A route of 10 Dartmoor miles and 2000 feet of ascent is achievable for most trail runners and as such the pace will as ever be gentle. Aiming for 2 and half hours. 

Join me for a slow adventure with lots of places to take photos, learn about the local history of the area and chat about running on Dartmoor. I'm happy to sign any books on the day too and some will be available to purchase after the run also if you don’t already have a copy. 

Park in the carpark, where there is a pay machine and loos. 


27 Jul 2024 23:59£5.00

To sign-up for this event, the Service Fee is 4% (min 50p) for each sign-up

Dates and Status

Date: 28/07/2024

09:00:00 - 12:00:00

Status: Closed

Total Places: 20

Places Available: ??



Colin Kirk-Potter



Meldon Resevoir Car Park Grid Ref SX 561968