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HiddenPeak Running Aberdeen Group Training has now closed and you will not be able to sign-up for it. Please check the Organiser's Description for any organiser updates.
This event is in a testing state, and is not open for public sign-ups until the organiser has launched it.

Organiser's Description


We are once again returning to the amazing trails at Hazlehead with a session which takes you on a journey around the edge of this spectacular urban park. This was another popular session last month, but we have amended it to follow a different route on this occasion.

It takes the form of a series of fast efforts (for a specified time) interspersed with short recoveries as we follow an undulating route through the sheltered woodlands. At the end of each effort, we will regroup before pushing on again. This ensures that we all stay together on the journey. Without doubt this session is suitable for ALL runners, regardless of pace. There's no doubt it's challenging, but manageable. And it provides great running benefits.

We are a friendly group and always keen to help newcomers - so come along  - and bring a friend.

Coaching, encouragement and good advice will be on hand throughout.

There's ample free parking and our meeting point will be the Hazlehead Park main car park at the top of the running track.

Please arrive ready to start at 6pm. The whole session,including warm-ups/cool down and exercises, lasts one hour.

Tuesday 6th August 2024 6pm to 7pm


Cost: £6 per person.

Please note

  • Please address any enquiries to the
  • Payment will be made via EntryCentral.
  • Please think carefully before signing up as there is a policy of no refunds except in circumstances where the event needs to be cancelled by the organisers.
  • All participants must acknowledge that a training session is physically strenuous. As such they must be medically fit to participate and take full responsibility for their own personal health and fitness. Participants are strongly advised to consult a doctor before undertaking any strenuous exercise or training programme.
  • We may take photos/videos of the session for use on our social media platforms. If you have any concerns about this, please let us know in advance.


06 Aug 2024 17:30£6.00

For each sign-up, the organiser pays the Service Fee of 4% (min 50p). You pay no surcharge

Dates and Status

Date: 06/08/2024

18:00:00 - 19:00:00

Status: Closed

Total Places: 40

Places Available: ??



Fraser Clyne

Hazlehead Park running track car park