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Organiser's Description

Our new fun run that has been in the pipeline for over 2 years is finally going ahead!

Non-UKA / TRA members pay a £2 levi on entry fees.

Start is from the beer garden of the Ye Olde Smugglers Inne, Alfriston.

11:30 You can collect your race numbers, pins and a bottle of water from the beer garden. 

Please download the gpx file, follow the route on Strava and/or print off the race narrative from our website.

We will try secure a corner to store bags, but please don't leave valuables or children or pets!

Run starts at 12:00 hours.  4hr30min cut off.

Check point 1:  The Hampden Arms.  See the marshal to record your arrival and collect a beer token.  Hand it in to the bar to get a drink and collect either crisps/nuts/choc bar.  (Ask nicely and they will refill your water bottle too.).

Check point 2.  The Ram Inn.  Same procedure as above.

We suggest spending no more that 15mins in each pub if you are going to struggle to hit the 16:30 cut off!

Finish:  See the timer to record your safe completion.  Hand your race number over at the bar and claim a final drink - free pint/glass of wine/soft drink! 

(There will be some merchandise included in your entry fee, but we haven't decided what exactly it will be yet?!?)    

Post any photos from the event on our Facebook and instagram pages.  Run solo, with friend or as a club run.

Travel.  Nearest train stations are Berwick and Seaford.  Check the timetable nearer the times.  (Cycling from Berwick is fairly straight forward, Seaford is a bit more undulating!)

Public transport:

Parking:  Free local parking and also a reasonably priced pay & display carpark within 3 min walk of the start/finish.

What we suggest you take:

Layers of clothing and a light weight running jacket in case it rains and to carry gels in etc.

A print out the narrative as a back up to the map/gpx downloaded to your watch/phone.  This will also have our ICE numbers on it.

We kindly request you carry:

A mobile phone (ideally the same contact number as on your entry details.)

Results will be published withing 24hours.


31 Mar 2025£33.00
31 May 2025£35.00
23 Sep 2025 07:07£37.00

To sign-up for this event, the Service Fee is 4% (min 50p) for each sign-up

Dates and Status

Date: 05/10/2025

11:30:00 - 16:30:00

Status: Open

Total Places: 50

Places Available: ??






Ye Olde Smugglers Inne Market Square Alfriston East Sussex BN26 5UE ​