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Signups for Burntwood Spring Aquathlon 2024 (Seniors)

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 12:52:49, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Dave Gaskell Open Supervet
SCOTT WESTWOOD Open Stafford Triathlon Club Supervet
Kate Marshall Female Vet
Anonymous User Open Halesowen Tri Vet
Nathan Walker Open Open
Gary Payne Open Vet
Lynsey Smith Female Stafford Triathlon Club Vet
James Cunningham Open Vet
Suzy Parish Female Vet
Jude Taylor Female Vet
Gemma Wootton Female Lichfield and Burntwood tri club Vet
Millie Williams Female Halesowen Tri Open
David Lawrie Open 1485 Tri Club Supervet
Melanie Williams Female Halesowen Tri Supervet
Patience Lamb Female Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Open
Christopher Ashford Open Solihull Triathlon Club Vet
Joanne Donnelly Female Supervet
Lucy Donnelly Female Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Open
Charlotte Ramsey Female Vet
Ray Selwood Open Vet
Brendan Anglim Open Hardley Runners Supervet
Chris Braycotton Open Supervet
Evie Fairclough Female Open
Benjamin Robotham Open Open
Rebecca Oakes Female Vet
Poppy Bentley Female Halesowen Tri Open
Amelia Wiggin Female Open
Lee Snape Open Burntwood Triathlon Club Vet
Owen Slater Open Supervet
Luke Mills Open Telford Triathlon Club Vet
Tracy Tyrrell Female Supervet
Cherryl Orrick Female Adapted endurance Supervet
Andy Crockford Open MVH Supervet
Stuart Geggie Open Supervet
Raechel Hogg Female Vet
Michael Wood Open Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Open
Lee Carter Open Supervet
Peter Purdy Open Supervet
Georg Schirmer Open Vet
Samantha Boswell Female Beacon RCC Supervet
Nicola Gilder Female Vet
James Gilder Open Vet
David Cutler Open Supervet
Gordon Mclellan Open Team Main Dub Vet
James Flack Open Solihull Triathlon Club Supervet
Helen Flack Female Solihull Triathlon Club Open
Sophie Warren Female tri woodmancote Supervet
Gorka Vazquez Open Supervet
Martyn Taylor Open Open
Jerome Jones Open Supervet
Stuart Jones Open Supervet
Jessica Jones Female Open
Shaun Coulton Open Ivanhoe Runners Supervet
Alex Round Open Open
Chris Heaps Open Open
Thomas Adams Open Open
Phil Wolfe Open Stafford Triathlon Club Open
Elena Andrews Female Peak Performance Triathlon Club Open

Signups for Burntwood Spring Aquathlon 2024 (Juniors)

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 12:52:49, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Thomas Roberts Open Youths
James Cooke Open Tristars 3
Helena Cooke Female Tristars 2
Amelie Marshall Female Stratford-upon-Avon Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Dylan Williams-Yang Open Telford Triathlon Tristars 3
Anonymous User Open Tristars 1
Henry Wall Open Ludlow Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Anonymous User Open Tristars 2
Anonymous User Female Halesowen Tri Youths
Victor Huruban Open Telford triathlon Tristars 1
William Irvine Open Youths
William Upton Open Nuneaton Triathlon Club juniors Tristars 3
William Bailey Open Youths
Katherine Grainger Female Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Caitlin Pridden Female Tristars 3
Henry Grainger Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars Start
Anonymous User Female Tristars 1
Tom Moody Open Tristars 1
Leonardo Foulds Open Leicester Junior Tri Club Tristars 1
Henry Lewis Open Tristars 3
William Lewis Open Tristars 2
Libby Coss Female Telford Tri Tristars 3
Harry Coss Open Telford tri Tristars 1
James Beel Open Tristars 1
Harry Jeffery Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Henry Beel Open Tristars Start
Ellie Jeffery Female Tristars 1
Anonymous User Female Youths
Hattie Thomson Female Tristars 1
Tessa Thomson Female Tristars 2
Amelie Harborne Female Tristars 2
Noah Harborne Open Tristars 2
Anonymous User Female Tristars Start
Anonymous User Open Halesowen Tri Tristars 2
Annabelle Winstanley Female Tristars 2
Jonathan Brown Open Tristars 3
Eleanor Brown Female Tristars 1
George Bull Open Tristars 2
Jacob Oakes Open Tristars 3
Emmie WHITE Female Hereford & County AC Tristars 2
Eva Williams Female Halesowen Tri Tristars 3
Henry WHITE Open Halo Sports Foundation Youths
Anonymous User Female Tristars 1
J.J. Buckley Open Tristars 2
Scarlett Eagland Female Evesham Vale Triathletes Youths
Anonymous User Female Tristars Start
Casey Buckley Open Tristars 1
Anonymous User Open Tristars 2
Benjamin Foulds Open Leicester Tri Club Tristars 1
Anonymous User Female Tristars 1
Mia Hearson Female Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Tristars 3
Dylan Littlefield Open Tristars 3
Philippa Godfrey Female Telford Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Person record deleted by user Female Open
Mac Ramsey Open Tristars 1
Emily Walker Female Tristars Start
Ethan Went Open Tristars 2
Ben Allen Open Stafford Triathlon Club Youths
Edie Shakespeare Female Tristars 2
Jessica Gilder Female Nuneaton Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Isla Shakespeare Female Tristars 1
Iris Broadhurst-Roach Female Tristars 1
Elizabeth Robotham Female Tristars 2
Olive Thomas Female Halesowen Tri Tristars 3
Nancy THOMAS Female Halesowen Tri Tristars 3
Peggy Thomas Female Tristars 2
Ted Thomas Open Halesowen Tri Tristars 1
Anonymous User Open Telford triathlon club Tristars 3
Elliot Panter Open Halesowen Tri Youths
Lotus Li-Little Female Tristars 2
Isaac Lawler Open Tristars 2
Isobel Mills Female Telford Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Caidee Salmond Female Tristars 2
Leo Ruck Open Tristars 1
Honey Ayre Female Tristars 2
Summer Ayre Female Tristars 3
Edith Kaberry Female Ketton Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Alba Smith-Pena Female Youths
Jacob Heathcock Open Black Country Triathletes Tristars Start
Samuel Hayward Open Leicester Tri Club Tristars 1
Sam Ireson Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Sophie McCallum Female Tristars 2
Kaelen van Vliet Open Birmingham Running, Athletics & Triathlon Club Youths
Mia Thomas Female Tristars 2
Evelyn Birch Female Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Jack Williams Open Tristars 1
Sebastian Schirmer Open Tristars 3
Oscar Schirmer Open Tristars 1
Theodore Fung Open Halesowen Tri Tristars 2
Charlie Alcock Open Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Tristars 1
Stanley Lomas Open Tristars 2
Ferdynand Alsop Open Tristars 2
Dylan May-John Open Sarn Helen Tristars 1
Zeb Mclellan Open Team Pants Tristars Start
Hugh Cartlidge Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Floren Smith Female Tristars 2
Isaac Weir Open Kenilworth Juniors Tri Tristars 2
Beau Noon Female Halesowen Tri Tristars 2
Toby Noon Open Halesowen Tri Tristars Start
Aimee Waters Female Stafford Triathlon Club Youths
Annabel Williams-Yang Female Telford Tri Tristars 2
Alexander Richardson Open Telford Triathlon Tristars 1
Elsie Thornton Female Evesham Vale Triathletes EVT Tristars 1
George Atteck Open None Tristars 1
Elizabeth Atteck Female None Tristars 2
Stanley Jones Open MVH Youths
Grace Mcgeown Female Tristars 2
Martha Roper Female Telford Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Holly George Female Tamworth Athletics Club Tristars 1
Ella George Female Tamworth Athletic Club Tristars 2
Austin Bennett Open Telford Triathlon Tristars Start
Henry Bennett Open Telford Triathlon Tristars 1
William Oakley Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Alfie Oakley Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 1

Signups for Burntwood Spring Aquathlon 2024 (Relay Only) OLD ENTRY-DO NOT USE

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 12:52:49, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club

Signups for Burntwood Spring Aquathlon 2024 (Relay Only)

Cached signups as of 12:52:49, refreshable every 5 minutes

Team Name