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Signups for Musselburgh Festival 10k
Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User
Cached signups as of 16:37:15, refreshable every 5 minutes
Forename | Surname | Gender | Club | Age Group |
Grant | Milne | Male | Up to 39 | |
Jill | Scott | Female | Jogscotland | 50-59 |
Helen | Buxton | Female | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Aileen | MacArthur | Female | Up to 39 | |
Leanne | Calder | Female | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 40-49 |
Lynne | Cowden | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 40-49 |
Amy | Smith | Female | Lasswade Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
Sandra | Murray | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Ross | McGregor | Male | RAS | 40-49 |
Joyce | Coleman | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Blair | Montgomery | Male | Corstorphine AAC | Up to 39 |
Patrick | Nelis | Male | Portobello Running Club | 60+ |
Graham | Rule | Male | Edinburgh Frontrunners | 60+ |
Mark | Young | Male | Lothian Running Club | Up to 39 |
Robbie | Yates | Male | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Karen | Munro | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Mike | Aikman | Male | 40-49 | |
Mhairi | Donnelly | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Jenni | Owens | Female | 40-49 | |
Brian | Howie | Male | Edinburgh Athletic Club | 60+ |
Alan | Cole | Male | Portobello running | 50-59 |
Krista | Black | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 50-59 |
Raisa | Ballantyne | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Gordon | Craig | Male | Lothian Running Club | 60+ |
Lucy | Macdonald | Female | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 40-49 |
Ashley | Stewart | Female | 40-49 | |
Anne | Begbie | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Roy | Frost | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Alan | Inglis | Male | Teviotdale Harriers | 50-59 |
Donna | Inglis | Female | Teviotdale Harriers | 50-59 |
Christina | Hinds | Female | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Jonathan | Campbell | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Ross | Cunningham | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Robert | Rutherford | Male | 60+ | |
Jo | Wallace | Female | 40-49 | |
Ali | Mclaren | Male | 50-59 | |
Jim | Jagger | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 40-49 |
Anna | Menzies | Female | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Danielle | Reid | Female | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
Chris | Smeaton | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | 40-49 |
Peter | McKillop | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | 40-49 |
Paul | Blore | Male | Portobello | 60+ |
Iain | Proudfoot | Male | 60+ | |
Fiona | Baxter | Female | 40-49 | |
Laura | Hughes | Female | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Karen | Keast | Female | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Marc | Giamblanco | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Barry | Ferenbach | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Mark | Upward | Male | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Owain | Williams | Male | 40-49 | |
Diane | Ring | Female | 60+ | |
Alan | Knowles | Male | Lothian Running Club | 40-49 |
Charlotte | Ring-MacLeod | Female | 40-49 | |
Iain | Macdonald | Male | Edinburgh Athletic Club | Up to 39 |
Victoria | Riddell | Female | Shettleston Harriers | Up to 39 |
Ryan | Scoular | Male | 40-49 | |
David | Hall | Male | Corstorphine AAC | 40-49 |
Jude | Thomson | Female | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Jonny | Thomson | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Niamh | O'Connor | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 50-59 |
Iain | Houston | Male | 40-49 | |
Adrian | Green | Male | Haddington Running Club | 60+ |
Jacky | Radakovits | Female | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Joanne | Turnbull | Female | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Colin | Liddell | Male | 50-59 | |
Anne | Rutherford | Female | Portobello Running Club | 60+ |
Alison | Caldwell | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Niamh | Ni Mhaoileoin | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Stephen | Watson | Male | Penicuik Harriers | 60+ |
Ross | Thomson | Male | Up to 39 | |
Paul | Fallon | Male | 40-49 | |
Jenni | Brodie | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | Up to 39 |
Andrew | Corrigan | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Michael | Fullerton | Male | Edinburgh AC | 50-59 |
Juliana | Forrest | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 50-59 |
Alan | Robertson | Male | Lothian Running Club | 60+ |
Phil | Humphries | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | 50-59 |
Bruce | Wilkinson | Male | Runners are Smilers | 40-49 |
Chris | Forrest | Male | 50-59 | |
Louise | Turner | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | Up to 39 |
Anonymous | User | Female | Penicuik Harriers | 60+ |
Aidan | Grisewood | Male | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Graeme | Thom | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Darrin | Pryde | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
Gordon | Pryde | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 40-49 |
Emily | Ackerman | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Zorana | Tasovac | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | Up to 39 |
shona | adam | Female | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 50-59 |
Janet | More | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Rachel | Drummond | Female | Penicuik Harriers | 40-49 |
George | Kelly | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Anonymous | User | Female | Up to 39 | |
Anonymous | User | Female | 40-49 | |
Christopher | Grant | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Anonymous | User | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Christopher | Creegan | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 60+ |
Gordon | Trahar | Male | 60+ | |
Anonymous | User | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | Up to 39 |
Anonymous | User | Male | 40-49 | |
Jane | Liggat | Female | 40-49 | |
Hollie | Bannatyne | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Anonymous | User | Female | Harmeny AC | 50-59 |
Stewart | Neilands | Male | No club | 40-49 |
Sarah | Neilson | Female | 40-49 | |
Iain | Whitaker | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 40-49 |
Anonymous | User | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | Up to 39 |
Paul | Butler | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
David | Blackburn | Male | Portobello Running Club | 60+ |
Terry | Kirkwood | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Stewart | Strath | Male | Lothian Running Club | 40-49 |
Stuart | Mitchell | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Scott | Douglas | Male | Runners are smilers | 50-59 |
Abigail | Strath | Female | Lothian Running Club | Up to 39 |
Mickey | Breen | Male | Corstorphine AAC | Up to 39 |
Callum | Reid | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
Eric | McPhail | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Linda | Howie | Female | 40-49 | |
Scott | Hume | Male | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Stuart | Turnbull | Male | 50-59 | |
Eleanor | Mackenzie | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 50-59 |
Richard | Hodgson | Male | Edinburgh running network | 50-59 |
Michael | Hurst | Male | 60+ | |
Aileen | Ross | Female | Portobello Running Club | 60+ |
Sandy | Orr | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Stephen | Harpham | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Anonymous | User | Male | 60+ | |
gillian | kirkhope | Female | Chirnside Chasers | 40-49 |
Christopher | Coleman | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Anonymous | User | Female | Portobello RC | 40-49 |
Paul | Guz | Male | 40-49 | |
Stuart | Brown | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Dorothy | Grooby | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Sharen | Roberts | Female | Sweatshop | 50-59 |
Ross | Laing | Male | 50-59 | |
Sarah | Saunders | Female | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Kenny | Train | Male | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Jim | Alexander | Male | Lothian Running Club | 60+ |
Anonymous | User | Female | Hamilton Harriers | Up to 39 |
Mark | Fry | Male | Portobello Running Club | 60+ |
David | Young | Male | 50-59 | |
Anonymous | User | Male | 40-49 | |
Kevin | Gallagher | Male | 40-49 | |
George | Easdon | Male | Up to 39 | |
Cata | Costa Gallon | Female | 40-49 | |
Antonia | Robb | Female | 40-49 | |
David | Worrall | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Neal | Herbert | Male | 40-49 | |
Christopher | Tinlin | Male | Up to 39 | |
Emma | Fleming | Female | 40-49 | |
Sean | Duffy | Male | 40-49 | |
Roland | Mccraw | Male | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
David | Morrice | Male | 50-59 | |
Alison | Mitchell | Female | 60+ | |
Claire | Jamieson | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | Up to 39 |
Siobhan | Gorrie | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 40-49 |
Max | Meres | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
John | Hancock | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
Joanna | Hepburn | Female | Up to 39 | |
Ian | Gillian | Male | 60+ | |
William | Jarvie | Male | Portobello Running Club | 60+ |
Annie | Walker | Female | Five Star Run Club | 60+ |
Sean | eng | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | Up to 39 |
Alasdair | Macdonald | Male | Carnethy Hill Racing Club | 50-59 |
Jaclyn | Molloy | Female | Motherwell AC | 40-49 |
Rachel | Travers | Female | 40-49 | |
Roz | Currie | Female | Portobello RC | 40-49 |
Ryan | Ferguson | Male | Lothian Running Club | Up to 39 |
Victoria | Bailie | Female | Edinburgh Athletic Club | 40-49 |
Oliver | Girdham | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Anonymous | User | Female | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Elaine | Davies | Female | Edinburgh AC | 50-59 |
Jennifer | Flanagan | Female | 40-49 | |
Anonymous | User | Female | 50-59 | |
Robert | Mclear | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Deborah | Warner | Female | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Anonymous | User | Male | 40-49 | |
Anas | Abdulla | Male | Portobello Running Club | Up to 39 |
Dougie | Hunter | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Sarah | Mcadam | Female | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
scott | Nelson | Male | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Gareth | Haycroft | Male | Garioch Road Runners | Up to 39 |
Garry | Smith | Male | 50-59 | |
Tracy | Philp | Female | Portobello Running Club | 50-59 |
Slawomir | Pietrzak | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Jill | Robertson | Female | 40-49 | |
Chris | Ross | Male | 40-49 | |
Darren | Dick | Male | Linlithgow Athletic Club | 50-59 |
Sheona | Dorrian | Female | Up to 39 | |
Yassine | Houmdi | Male | Portobello Running Club | 40-49 |
Anonymous | User | Male | Runners are Smilers | 40-49 |
Neil | Jack | Male | Edinburgh Athletic Club | Up to 39 |
Eileen | Maxwell | Female | Gala Harriers | 60+ |
Charlotte | Jack | Female | Up to 39 | |
Keith | Barrie | Male | 60+ | |
Scott | Kelman | Male | Giffnock North AC | Up to 39 |
David | Cross | Male | Edinburgh Athletic Club | 60+ |
Matthew | Gorrie | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | 40-49 |
James | Waldie | Male | Perth Road Runners | Up to 39 |
Anne | Purves | Female | Gala Harriers | 50-59 |
Janet | Dunbar | Female | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 50-59 |
Graeme | Barker | Male | Fife Athletic Club | Up to 39 |
Graham | O'Neill | Male | 40-49 | |
Julia | McAfee | Female | Helensburgh AAC | 50-59 |
Karen | Capewell | Female | None | 50-59 |
Alasdair | Archibald | Male | Up to 39 | |
Elena | Rutherford | Female | 40-49 | |
Jim | Skelt | Male | Edinburgh Running Network | 60+ |
Tommy | Fallon | Male | 40-49 | |
Alan | Smart | Male | 40-49 | |
Georgia | Rogers | Female | Hunters Bog Trotters | Up to 39 |
Barbara | Rowell | Female | 50-59 | |
Willie | Rowell | Male | Up to 39 | |
Evelyn | Aitken | Female | 50-59 | |
Amanda | Dunlop | Female | Up to 39 | |
Jane | Mackie | Female | Fordy Runs Running Club | 50-59 |
Andrew | Gordon | Male | 50-59 | |
KATHRYN | HEWITT | Female | Up to 39 | |
Carly | Monaghan | Female | Shettleston Harriers | Up to 39 |
Alick | Lothian | Male | 50-59 | |
Derek | Russell | Male | Up to 39 | |
Steven | Dailly | Male | 40-49 | |
Grant | Walker | Male | 50-59 | |
Tayne | Wallace | Female | Up to 39 | |
Amelia | Morgan | Female | 50-59 | |
Katherine | Burnett | Female | Up to 39 | |
Karen | LeClair | Female | 40-49 | |
Andrew | Robb | Male | Up to 39 | |
Derek | Mackenzie | Male | 40-49 | |
Joseph | Jobling | Male | 40-49 | |
Sarah | Munro | Female | 40-49 | |
Alex. | Wood | Male | Linlithgow Athletic Club | 60+ |
Kelly | Peacock-Hardie | Female | Fisherow Bootcamp | Up to 39 |
Neil | Pedersen | Male | 40-49 | |
Ross | Douglas | Male | 50-59 | |
Mathew | Douglas | Male | Up to 39 | |
Rebecca | Clark | Female | Up to 39 | |
Steven | Clark | Male | 50-59 | |
Charlotte | Algeo | Female | Up to 39 | |
Rob | Hardie | Male | Fisherow Bootcamp | 40-49 |
Julie | McNaughton | Female | 50-59 | |
Malcolm | Parry | Male | Edinburgh Athletics Club | 50-59 |
Lisa | Parry | Female | 40-49 | |
Fraser | Harris | Male | 40-49 | |
David | Grant | Male | 50-59 | |
Celine | Pain | Female | 40-49 | |
Isabella | Horler | Female | Up to 39 | |
Pauline | Macpherson | Female | 40-49 | |
Peter | MacDonough | Male | Up to 39 | |
Emily | Breen | Female | Up to 39 | |
Abie | Mccracken | Male | Up to 39 | |
Ian | Gillespie | Male | 40-49 | |
Nick | Wilson | Male | Camden Swifts | Up to 39 |
Seumas | Thomson | Male | Up to 39 | |
Steph | Harkes | Female | Up to 39 | |
Gordon | Harkes | Male | 60+ | |
Kevin | Buckley | Male | 50-59 | |
Erin | Buckley | Female | Up to 39 | |
Mags | Buckley | Female | Lothian Running Club | 50-59 |
Ian | McMillan | Male | Runners are smilers | 50-59 |
Eric | Stevenson | Male | Edinburgh Athletic club | 60+ |
Murray | Wellwood | Male | 50-59 | |
Hayley | Brown | Female | Up to 39 | |
Scott | Brown | Male | 50-59 | |
Justine | Bertrand | Female | Up to 39 | |
Max | Redden | Male | Up to 39 | |
Stephen | Dixon | Male | 40-49 |
Signups for Musselburgh Festival Juniors 3k
Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User
Cached signups as of 16:37:15, refreshable every 5 minutes
Forename | Surname | Gender | Club |