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Signups for Burntwood Spring Aquathlon 2025 (Seniors)

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 00:49:34, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Natasha Dent Female Vet
Chris Dent Open Vet
BRIAN PARKER Open Supervet
Claire Keene Female Birmingham Running, Athletics & Triathlon Club Vet
Samantha Boswell Female Supervet
Emma Roach Female Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Vet
Lauren Newbould Female Open
Lionel Spittle Open Primera Bournemouth Supervet
Suzanne Alsop Female Supervet
Philip Roe Open Supervet
Thomas Beaver Open Open

Signups for Burntwood Spring Aquathlon 2025 (Juniors)

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 00:49:34, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Felicity Keene Female EVT juniors Tristars 1
J.J. Buckley Open Tristars 2
Ethan Went Open Tristars 3
Thea Everitt Female Evesham Vale Triathletes - EVT Juniors Tristars 2
Isabelle Dent Female Evesham Vale Triathletes Tristars 1
Harry Coss Open Telford tri Tristars 2
Libby Coss Female Telford Tri Tristars 3
Jessica Gilder Female Nuneaton Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Elsie Thornton Female Tristars 2
Henry Keene Open Tristars 2
Ivy Ross Female Evesham Vale Triathletes EVT Tristars 1
Casey Buckley Open Tristars 1
Florence Parkinson Female Telford Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Iris Broadhurst-Roach Female Tristars 1
Mia Hearson Female Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Youths
Joshua Tranter Open Tristars 2
Isla Spencer Female Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Tristars 1
Victor Huruban Open Telford triathlon Tristars 1
Charlie Spencer Open Newcastle (Staffs) Tri Club Tristars Start
Stanley Lomas Open Tristars 2
Annabelle Winstanley Female Tristars 2
James Keene Open Tristars 1
Rosa Cooper Female Evesham Vale Triathletes EVT Tristars 2
Isaac Lawler Open Tristars 3
Jem Eardley Open Tristars 2
Ben Bean Open Tristars 2
Millie Richards Female Evesham Vale Triathletes EVT Tristars 1
Mia Thomas Female Tristars 3
James Pantall Open Evesham Vale Triathletes EVT Tristars 1
Jack Williams Open Tristars 1
Lucy Williams Female Tristars Start
Cameron Evans Open Stafford Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Elizabeth Atteck Female Tristars 2
George Atteck Open Tristars 1