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Signups for TriStar 1

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Summer Ross Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Ellis Cross-Wright Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Lucia Huntly Female Tristars 1
Corrin Crawford Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Alexandra Chisholm Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Monty Whiteford Open Tristars 1
katie philips Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Youth Tristars 1
Anonymous User Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Maya Sim Female Tristars 1
Jamie Laskey Open Tristars 1
Ailsa Cruickshank Female Tristars 1
Mirryn Clarke Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Anna Mathieson Female Tristars 1
Kate Birrell Female Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Zoey McLeod Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Anonymous User Female Tristars 1
Magnus Ogg Open Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Cora Cooper Female Tristars 1
Emily Whalen Female Tristars 1
Hannah Lebl Female East Fife Tri Club Tristars 1
Person record deleted by user Female Go-Tri
Poppy Rae Female Tristars 1
Ella Donaldson Female Tristars 1
Katie Dawson Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Megan Birnie Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Fiona Dick Female Isle of Arran Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Joey Duncan Open Isle of Arran Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Cara McComack Female Isle of Arran Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Tilly Penman Female Tristars 1
Frankie Lucas Open Isle of Arran Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 1
Luca Pizey Open Tristars 1
Charlotte Filliol Female Tristars 1
Amy Trainor Female Tristars 1
Calum Dunn Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 1

Signups for TriStar Start

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Georgia Chisholm Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars Start
Maverick Souter Open Triathlon Scotland Tristars Start
Murray McKinnon Open Tristars Start
Fionn Mallon Open Tristars Start
Eva Lebl Female East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars Start
Ollie Reilly Open Tristars Start
Katie Brown Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars Start
Noah Osborough Open Tristars Start
Monica Nugent Female Tristars Start
Sam Blankenstein Open Tristars Start
Ava Filliol Female Tristars Start
Izzy Cunningham Female Pentland Triathletes Tristars Start
Arianna Lubeigt Female Tristars Start

Signups for TriStar 2

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Finley Waugh Open Tristars 2
Alfie Edwards Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Anonymous User Open Tristars 2
William Mifsud Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Keira Stirling Open Tristars 2
Jeanie Brodie Female Tristars 2
Liam philips Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Youth Tristars 2
Anna McBirnie Female Pentland Triathletes Juniors Tristars 2
Eirlys Bowen Female Tristars 2
Robyn McGuire Female Tristars 2
Cameron Seeley Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Keyan Patel Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Kirsty Sedman Female Grangemouth Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Iyla Souter Female Triathlon Inverness Tristars 2
Blair Nelson Open Grangemouth Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Sophia Dooner Female Tristars 2
Danny Suttie Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Eli Crawford Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Tom Langdon Open Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Jack Kidd Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Sarah O’Halloran Female Tristars 2
Eve Chalmers Female TrYthan Tristars 2
Morven Cooper Female Tristars 2
Noah Kerr Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Elsie Mathieson Female Tristars 2
Emma Birrell Female Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Zackary Walker Open Stirling Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Abbie McLeod Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Anonymous User Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Murray Green Open Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Robbie Whalen Open Tristars 2
Alasdair Ogg Open Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Freya Lindsay Female Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Reeve Stuart Female Tristars 2
Murray Stewart Open Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Rory Sturrock Open Grangemouth Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Oscar Reilly Open Tristars 2
Annie Brown Female Tristars 2
David Donaldson Open Tristars 2
Skyla Mcclelland Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Duncan Hammond Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Amber Brodie Female Tristars 2
Seth Williamson Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Eddie Niven Open East Fife Tri Club Tristars 2
Lucy Forbes Female Tristars 2
Luca Duncan Open Isle of Arran Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Kitty Penman Female Tristars 2
Oliviero Becquet Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Felix Broome Open Tristars 2
Anne Pizarro Griffiths Female Tristars 2
Hannah Simpson Female Tristars 2
Ava MacGlashan Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Matthieu Lubeigt Open Tristars 2
Matilda Wilson Female Tristars 2
Callum Brand Open Isle of Arran Junior Triathlon Club Tristars 2
Florence Skinner Female Tristars 2

Signups for TriStar 3

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Ethan Alexander Open Tristars 3
Emilia Waugh Female Tristars 3
Robbie Phillips Open East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Mark Stirling Open Tristars 3
Talia Padmanabhan Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Eilidh Greenhalgh Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Gabriel stewart Open Tristars 3
Ethan Huntly Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Harris COCHRANE Open Grangemouth Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Rose Olusanya Female East Fife Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Rachel Caves Female Pentland Triathlete Juniors Tristars 3
Olivia Lyne Female Fusion Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Tessa Golding Female Pentland Triathletes Tristars 3
Isla amon Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Isla McBrien Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Anonymous User Female Tristars 3
Jessica Walker Female Stirling Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Abbey Stevenson Female Tristars 3
Imogen Hammond Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3
Lyla Stewart Female Tristars 3
Connor Birnie Open Glasgow triathlon club Tristars 3
Ross Allan Open Tristars 3
Euan Francesco Becquet Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Tristars 3

Signups for Youth

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Jennifer MacMahon Female Fusion Triathlon Club Youths
Daniel Boyne Open West Lothian Triathlon Youths
Anonymous User Female Youths
Joe Crawford Open Glasgow Tri Club Youths
Finlay Laskey Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Youths
Carys Murrison Female Fusion Triathlon Club Youths
Juliette Kidd Female Youths
Emily Langdon Female Fusion Triathlon Club Youths
Daniel Hendry Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Youths
Erin Burnett Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Youths
Euan Green Open Fusion Triathlon Club Youths
Sophie Parry Female Youths
Sophie Gibbons Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Youths
Luke Coull Open Youths
Emilie Paul Female Pentland Triathletes Youths
Brodie Cunningham Open Youths

Signups for Adult (Go Tri)

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Emma Donaldson Female Go-Tri
Julie Roberts Female Glasgow Triathlon Club Go-Tri
Karen Main Female Fusion Triathlon Club Go-Tri
Orla Stewart Female Fusion Triathlon Club Go-Tri
Kirsty Nugent Female Go-Tri
Fiona Main Female Fusion Triathlon Club Go-Tri
Meg Brettell Female Go-Tri
Sam Johnston Open Glasgow Triathlon Club Go-Tri

Signups for Adult (Experienced)

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 08:55:40, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Category Club Age Group
Joe Waugh Open Go-Tri
Frank Boyne Open West Lothian Triathlon Go-Tri
Fergus Sim Open Go-Tri
Sophie Monteith Female Go-Tri
Craig Walker Open Stirling Triathlon Club Go-Tri
Maggie Magor Female Stirling Triathlon Club Go-Tri
Isla Coull Female Go-Tri
Megan MacDonald Female Stirling Triathlon Club Go-Tri