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Signups for Cotswold Spring Classic

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 11:22:53, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Gender Club
Curt Knight Male
Ivan Quinlan Male
Tessa Hamer Female
Christine Meek Female
Paul Korolkiewicz Male
Alf Troughton Male
kevan mossman Male
Malcolm Wearing Male
Harry Mossman Male
Mark Cogan Male
Victoria Spratt Female
simon James Male
sarah kerswell Female
Craig Degiorgio Male
Debbie Sharman Female Darkroom Espresso
Paul Bennett Male
Mike Turner Male
Simon Rex Male
Lewis Hobday Male
Anonymous User Female
Anonymous User Male
Steve Brady Male
Tony Merrett Male
Brian Russell Male
Dean Peacock Male
Andrew Leask Male Shipston Cycling Club
Suzanne Field Female
Andrew Redfern Male
Judith Leask Female Shipston Cycling Club
Simon Kelly Male
Dale Foskett Male
Anonymous User Male
Anonymous User Male Dynamic Rides CC
Marty Field Male
Sonia Cross Female Dursley Road Club
Scott Webb Male Marlborough Cycling Club
Jolyon bennett Male Performance cycles
Rosie bennett Female
Paul Hawkins Male Swindon Wheelers
Shirley Yarde Female
Anonymous User Male
Chris Travis Male
Paula Robinson Female
Graham Lane Male
Mark Nelson Male Dorking Cycling Club
Stuart Sedgwick taylor Male
Deirdre McCarthy Female
Julie Froggatt Female
Nicola Luce Female Chainset Chicks
Alan Rarity Male
Matt Whitehead Male Cheltenham and County Cycle Club
Clive Savory Male ICycle
Anonymous User Female
Sarah-Jane Russell Female
Neil Elliott Male Woodmancote wheelers
Martyn Bidwell Male Cardiff Ajax
Matt Watt Male
David Curtin Male Performance Cycles
David Grady Male
Zazi Barrell Female
Paul Crisp Male
Hannah Brown Female
Michael Jones Male
Teresa Walton Female
Caroline Bannister Female
Anonymous User Male
Pip brady Female
MARIA Powell Female
Melissa Scrivin Female Severn Belles
Helen Middleton Female HotChillee
Liz Spiers Female
Anonymous User Male
Veronica Higgins Female
Darren Chapman Male Swindon Wheelers
Darrell Barnes Male
Richard Buss Male Swindon Wheelers
Terry Hoole Male Swindon Wheelers
Cara Zoglowek Female
Phillip Jenkins Male
Shaun Collins Male Swindon Wheelers
Martin Smart Male Shipston Cycling Club
Anonymous User Female Cheltenham and County Cycling Club
Anonymous User Male
Anonymous User Male Velo Club Montpellier
Adam Gillett Male Cheltenham Cycling Club
James Coull Male Ross On Wye & District CC
Darren Suffolk Male
Tom Hudson Male Woodstock CC
Simon Kiddle Male
Claire McIntosh Female
Robert Courtier Male
Jade Rogers Female
Jonathan R Nicholls Male Cheltenham & County Cycling Club
Timothy Crouch Male
Ian Davies Male Great Western Cycling Club
Johnny Bird Male
Simon Cook Male
Charmian D'Aubosson Female
Gary Fardon Male
Declan Fardon Male
John Wilkinson Male
simon eddleston Male none
David Chadwick Male
Ian Camm Male
Adrian Wakefield Male
David Hunter Male None
Patrick Shuttleworth Male
Paul Granycome Male
Tony Granycome Male
Adam Harley Male
Claudiu Smochina Male
Katharine Campbell Female Flying Monks Triathlon Club
Geoffrey Elkins Male Chippenham wheelers
James Nutt Male Flying Monk Triathalon Club
Christopher Oakey Male
Ben Sang Male C&CCC
Alex Macrae Male Shipston CC
Rachel Macrae Female Shipston Cycling Club
Alison Peace Female
David Tansley Male
Ian Loades Male Hert evo racing
Kieran Gordge Male Cycling South Africa
Berry Puyk Male Cardiff Ajax CC
Richard wilding Male
Gary Goosey Male
Steve Griffin Male Swindon Wheelers
Hannah Walker Female
Michael Brownsdon Male Malmesbury Cycling Club
Jeanie Prince Female
Nikki Embery Female
Nick Pugh Male
Steve Shadbolt Male
Jon Dyke Male
Robin House Male Salt and sham
Lee Fulker Male Shipston cc
Lucy Binnie Female
Nicholas Maynard Male
Ben Charles Male
Mike Minikin Male
Imogen Naylor-Higgs Female
Cliodhna Kennedy Female
Liz Cowan Female SVCC
Gregory Houlder Male
Annalisa Solla Female Tetbury Velos
Chris Murphy Male
Clare Murphy Female
Ian Brownrigg Male
Keith Towell Male Farcycles
Stewart Towell Male
Ed Humphreys Male
Feisal ONeill Male Shipston Cycling Club
Karen ONeill Female Shipston Cycling Club
Rob Hastings Male
David Addyman Male RWB Rouleurs
Andrew Large Male
Cameron Carlton Male
Michael Deamon Male No
Matthew Gibbons Male Shipston Cycling Club
Ian Westwood Male
Steven Newell Male
nick townsend Male
Benjamin Tollington Male
Matthew Paish Male
Dave Fisher Male Cheltenham and County
Sebastien Behr Male DRCC Dynamic Ride
Oscar Moseley Male
Ben James Male
Julia James Female
William Nattrass Male
Mark Thomas Male
Howard Robinson Male
David Robinson Male none
Kai Ip Tse Male
James Trotter Male
Lloyd Bigden Male
Michael Canty Male
David Frith Male Swindon Wheelers
Judith Clark Female CTC (unattached)
David Lane Male Cheltenham & County
Anthony Hick Male N/A
Royston Williams Male
Huw Austin Male Chepstow
Charlotte Austin Female
Gavin Loughrey Male
Dimitra Kotta Female
Lee Bagwell Male Swindon Wheelers
Bill Deeley Male
Martin Dodd Male 3CTri
Simon Brewis Male
John Monks Male 3VB
Joseph Wilcox Male
Mark Wilcox Male
Robin Astle Male
Jonathan Higgs Male
James Denyer Male
Oliver King Male
Edward King Male
Holly Van Ryssen Female
Robert Van Ryssen Male
Ellie Van Ryssen Female
Matthew Elwick Male Swindon Wheelers
David McGill Male
colin sherrard Male
Bill Domoney Male
James Haestier Male Performance Cycles
Alexander Harris Male
Hugo Harris Male Performance Cycles
Rodrigo Louro Male
Peter McCartney Male CTC (unattached)
Serena Gigg Female
Matthew Salt Male
Scott Tate Male
Ian Stewart Male
Lee Neale Male
Amanda Bernier Female
Steve Lilleyman Male
Jan Whelon Female
Martin Pitts Male 07702035247
Bryn Ellis Male
Sarah Draper Female
Doug Webb Male Winslow Wheelers
Clare Smith Female Stroud Valleys Cycling Club
Sue Smith Female Swindon Wheelers
Tim Cottrill Male
Harry Hislop Male Marlborough CC
Danny White Male
Chris White Male
Tom Parker Male
David Carlill Male Cheltenham and County Cycle Club
Richard Warren Male Bath Cycling Club
ray williamson Male performance cycles
Terry Daniels Male
pete brooksbank Male
Martin Purchase Male
Gaynor Kunneke Female
Alistair Rust Male
Steve Brawley Male Stroud Valleys CC
Gary Parmenter Male Andover Wheelers
Murray Bishop Male
Graeme Bishop Male Swindon Wheelers
Jenny Paddison Female
Jan Short Female Dursley RC
Samuel Illes Male SRAM cc
robert western Male
Alan Taylor Male
Luke Taylor Male
Zoe Pringle Female Cheltenham & County Cycle Club
Laurence Farley Male Swindon Wheelers
Thierry Kamette Male
Sara Kirby Female Velo Club Flintham
Jordan Jones Male Rapha CC
Josh Jones Male
Richard Jones Male Swindon Wheelers
Phil Armitt Male
Julian Hinder Male
Jonathan Gould Male
Paul Burton Male
James Waddicor Male Odd Squad Racing
Chris Manners Male
Jason Perrett Male Woodmancote Wheelers
david Childs Male
Jack Coombe Male
Mark Bennett Male
Martin Mckenna Male
Dr Peter Downer Male
Neil Edwards Male
Jackie Gilbert Female
Rob Brown Male
Ed Oakley Male
matthew dyer Male Frammils
Mark Gardner Male
Dan Ramsey Male
Joseph Adams Male
Bett Osborne Female Chaingang Barnt Green
Daniel Spicer Male