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Signups for Badass Trail Race

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 06:17:39, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Gender Club Age Group
Nicholas Whitfield Male M40
Bryony Walker Female JogScotland Brechin FS
Anonymous User Male Strathearn Harriers M60
Anonymous User Female Dumfries Running Club FS
Anonymous User Male Anstruther Allsorts M50
Lynn Godsell Female KIrkcaldy Wizards F50
Isobel Louden Female Kirkcaldy Wizards F60
Sandra Pirie Female Kirkcaldy Wizards F50
Mollie Turner Female FS
Graeme Percival Male M40
Nickie Turner Male M40
sharron wright Female F50
Shona Turner Female Kirkcaldy wizards F50
Greg Wilson Male Kirkcaldy Wizards M40
Shaun Williams Male Anster Allsorts M40
Douglas Wright Male M50
Alan Gardener Male Falkland Trail Runners M50
Sandra Gardener Female Falkland Trail Runners F50
Paul hanton Male M60
Tim Rosie Male M50
Sarah Farquharson Female Forfar Road Runners FS
Corrie Garden Male MS
Matthew Fisher Male Fife Athletic Club MJ
Rhona Van Rensburg Female Fife Athletic Club F50
Mike Fisher Male M50
Hendrik van Rensburg Male Fife Athletic Club M50
Rosemary Lee Female Falkland Trail Runners F60
John Lee Male Falkland Trail Runners M60
Anonymous User Female F50
Alison Gelly Female Dundee Road Runners F50
Keith Gelly Male Dundee Road Runners M50
Ruth Falconer Female F40
Carol Greenhill Female F50
Sarah Spouge Female Pitreavie AAC F50
Anonymous User Female F40
Anonymous User Male M60
Gary Charlton Male M50
Craig Thomson Male Kirkcaldy Wizards M40
Eddie Follan Male M50
Carol McEneany Female Kirkcaldy Wizards FS
Jim Masson Male Forfar Road Runners M60
Eiladh Souden Female FS
Josie Goodfellow Female Strathearn Harriers F40
Lorraine Hands Female Recreational Running F40
Sharron Wilson Female Kirkcaldy Wizards F50
Harry Steane Male MS
Laura Gray Female FS
Lee Hamilton Male MS
Heather Gordon Female F40
Anonymous User Male M60
Vikki Laing Female Kirkcaldy Wizards F40
Heather Bones Female STAART F50
Shirley Bremner Female Kirkcaldy Wizards F50
David Pease Male Falkland Trail Runners M50
Liz Eltringham Female Pitreavie AAC F50
Morris Roberts Male M40
Ronald Milne Male Forfar Road Runners M60
Elizabeth Milne Female Forfar Road Runners F50
Andy Ballantyne Male Kirkcaldy Wizards M50
Alexis Rinaldy Female F40
Colin Mathieson Male M70
Ewan Cameron Male Anster Haddies Running Club M60
Anonymous User Female Pitreavie AAC F40
Gordon Lindsay Male Perth Road Runners M60
Hailey Marshall Female Anster Haddies Running Club FS
Allan Mcwilliam Male Perth Road Runners M50
Lyle Allan Male Falkland Trail Runners M60
morven orr Female FS
Paul Ross Male M40
Janet Dickson Female Fife Athletic Club F40
Gail Murray Female Arbroath Footers F40
Eliot Sedman Male Carnethy Hill Racing Club M40
Lisa Cairns Female Kirkcaldy wizards F40
Person record deleted by user Unknown
Steve Feltbower Male Ochil Hill Runners M40
Susan Mcleod Female Forfar Road Runners F50
Lindsay Seywright Female Corstorphine AAC F60
Fraser Seywright Male MS
Hannah Campbell Female Kinross Road Runners F40
Carolyn Cowie Female F50
Nicola Watson Female Strathearn Harriers F50
Lynn Whisker Female F50
Bill Duff Male Falkland Trail Runners M70
David Dunleavey Male Stratheden Buttercups M60
John Elrick Male JSK Running Club M60
James Eadie Male Kirkcaldy Wizards MS
Person record deleted by user Kirkcaldy wizards Unknown
David Burgess Male Anster Haddies Running Club M50
Kasia Peel Female FS
Alan Doig Male RBR M50
Mark Gormley Male Stornoway Running & Athletics Club M60
Iain Macleod Male Corstorphine AAC M50
Claire Thornton-Granville Female Dundee Road Runners F40
DEBBIE COOPER Female Pitreavie AAC F60
Kim Forbes Female Pitreavie AAC F60
Frank Vernor Male Radium Isotopes M40
Anonymous User Female Jog Scotland Dunfermline F40
Jim Dunstan Male Nutritional Fit M60
Anonymous User Male Jog Scotland Dunfermline M50
Adam Chmielowski Male Corstorphine AAC M40
Peter Bird Male Corstorphine AAC MS
Alan Cameron Male M50
Jason Miles-Campbell Male Strathearn Harriers M50
Kerry Mcgregor Female Kirkcaldy Wizards F50
Chloe Allen Female FS
Jan-Bert van den Berg Male Corstorphine AAC M60
Juliette King Female FS
Susan Smith Female Dundee Road Runners F40
Morag Ellery Female St Cyrus Solos F70
Neil Stirling Male Kirkcaldy Wizards M40
Craig Grieve Male M50
Lukasz Drozd Male M40
David Longmuir Male North Highland Harriers M40
May Smith Female Dundee Road Runners FS
Ashleigh Crooks Female FS
Nia Bernal Female North Highland Harriers F50
Tracy Mcclean Female F40
Ross McNaughton Male Strathearn Harriers M40
Gwyneth Thom Female F50
Stephen Burn Male M40
Andy Thom Male M60
Debbie Stewart Female Nutritional Fit FS
Gary Lumsden Male M50
Carole Bruce Female F40
Laura Donaldson Female F40
Gareth Henderson Male M40
Brendan Ensor Male Radium isotopes MS
Scott Hardie Male MS
Blair Hardie Male MS
Hayley Paterson Female The Meedies Running Club FS
Emily Stewart Female FS
Emma Trott Female Jog Scotland FS
James Trott Male MS
Bartlomiej Banowski Male MS