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Signups for Moffat Run

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 07:09:16, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Gender Club
Claire McNay Female
Anonymous User Female Dalbeattie Running Club
Emma Gillooly Female Dumfries Harriers
Norman Johnstone Male Annan and district athletic club
Pauline Stirling Female Hartfell Hill Running Club
Richard Akintayo Male Dumfries Running Club
Mark Young Male
Anonymous User Male ADAC
Luke Park Male Hartfell hill running club
Gordon Brownlie Male
Samantha Cook Female Lonely Goat RC
Bill Fisher Male
Jim Alexander Male Lothian Running Club
Mike Goddard Male Moorfoot Runners
Margaret Gray Female
Fraser Rankine Male
David Gemmell Male Bellahouston Harriers
Harry Lamond Male Springburn Harriers
Richard McDougal Male Dumfries Running Club
Alistair Barclay Male Dumfries Harriers
Gordon Stewart Male Dumfries Harriers
Bruce Haggerty Male
Andrew Gibson Male Dumfries Running Club
Frazer Paterson Male
Martin Holt Male Moorfoot Runners
Mark Geraghty Male Linlithgow Athletic Club
Aodhán O’Neill Male
Ali McNay Male Hartfell hill running club
Trevor Hobbins Male N/a
Robert Gordon Male Dumfries Running Club
Alan Brownlie Male
Fiona Hodgkiss Female Moorfoot Runners
Alan Smith Male
Michael Jardine Male Dumfries Running Club
Samuel Laydon Male Moorfoot Runners
David Burns Male
Michael Hurst Male
Jamie Ovens Male Dumfries Running Club
Chris Palmer Male
Yeolande Davies Female Dumfries Running Club
Julian Mills Male
Andy Norris Male Springburn Harriers
Frank Birch Male Lauderdale Limpers Running Club
Liz Dawson Female Annan and District AC
Ed Woodman Male Annan & District AC
Adam Park Male Hartfell Hill Running Club
Wendy Gass Female Annan and District AC
Carole Fortune Female Carnethy Hill Racing Club
Susanne Reid Female Annan and District AC
johnny minto Male ADAC
Mark Fleming Male
Louise Smith Female
Caroline Baxter Female Annan & District AC
Anonymous User Male Law & District AAC
Hamish Campbell Male Dalbeattie Running Club
Gordon Vivers Male Annan & District
Nikki Maclean Female Carnethy Hill Racing Club
Keiron Nelson Male
Anonymous User Male
Lucy Donaldson Female
Chloe Dunlop Female
Laura Powell Female Wee County Harriers
Anonymous User Female
Briony Irving Female
Lisa Finlay Female Dumfries Running Club
Euan McGlynn Male
Alan Creighton Male Annan and District AC
Ranjit Thomas Male Dumfries Running Club
Tim Warner Male Moorfoot Runners
Linsey Cable Female
Roger Cable Male
Charlie Storrie Male Dumfries Running Club
Michael Pearson Male Run Nation Running Club
David Simpson Male
Andrew David Gilmour Male Unattached
Luke McKay Male
Tom Cammack Male Springfield Striders RC
Shona Robertson Female Shettleston Harriers
John Hamilton Male
Ian Fyfe Male Linlithgow Athletic Club
Craig McKay Male
Steven Lumb Male Dumfries Harriers
Heather Connelly Female