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Signups for Herefordshire 1 Mile Track Championships 2024

Users who have chosen to remain anonymous in their Person settings will be displayed as Forename=Anonymous Surname=User

Cached signups as of 20:47:53, refreshable every 5 minutes

ForenameSurname Gender Club Age Group
Ruben Mabberley Male Hereford & County AC Unknown
Helen Kirk Female Unknown
Nick Currie Male Western Tempo Unknown
Fred Tyler Male Hereford & County AC Unknown
Kath Hardwick Female Wye Valley Runners Unknown
Eva Tyler Female Hereford & County AC Unknown
Simeon Foreman Male Malvern Buzzards Running Club Unknown
Poppy Grundy Female Unknown
Macy Balderson Female Hereford & County Athletics Club Unknown
Anonymous User Female Herefordshire Athletics Unknown
Saffi Reid Female Hereford & County AC Unknown
Sebastian Farrant Male Hereford and County AC Unknown
Inyan Farrant Male Hereford and County AC Unknown
Henry Lewis Male Hereford & County AC Unknown
Jeremy Jehan Male Wye Valley Runners Unknown
Andrew Wathen Male Unknown
Alexander Swan Male Hereford & County AC Unknown