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Organiser's Description


SUNDAY 22nd JUNE 2025


The Snodsbury Scoot and Scramble are multi-terrain races, with all profits being split between local charities USPRA, and The Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust .


An approximate 10k multi terrain race, mainly offroad taking in the beautiful countryside around Upton Snodsbury. The route will include stretches of footpath, bridlepath, meadows and tracks. There are a lot of gates and styles to negotiate, as well as a bridge. There will be one water station at around the half way point.

The race will be fully timed and marshals will be at key sections of the course and signs will be in place.


An approximate 1.2km multi-terrain race for children. The route is 1 lap of a private field.


  • Registration opens at 9am and is at Upton Snodsbury Park, Cowsden Lane, Upton Snodsbury, Worcestershire, WR7 4NZ
  • This will be signposted on the day of the race.
  • Race numbers will be issued on the day from the registration.
  • The car park is a 10 minute walk from race HQ so please arrive in good time to allow for this.
  • Please car share where possible.
  • There will be a race briefing 10 minutes before the start of both the Snodsbury Scramble and Snodsbury Scoot.
  • Entries are limited to 200 for Snodsbury Scramble and 50 for Snodsbury Scoot.
  • Children of all ages up to 16 years of age are welcome to pariticpate in the Snodsbury Scoot. Adults will be able to run with younger children if required.
  • No dogs allowed.
  • No changing facilities.
  • No baggage drop off.
  • Unique medal to all finishers
  • Entry Fee: Snodsbury Scramble - £13.00 and £15.00 Entry on the day (if spaces are available) Snodsbury Scoot- £4.50 for pre-entries and £5 entries on the day (if spaces are available).
  • Entries may be transferred to another runner on provision of full details to the organiser by email only by Thursday 19th June 2025. 
  • Entries CAN NOT be transferred on the day.
  • Race results will be published on the Snodsbury Scoot and Scramble website and facebook page (


  • Snodsbury Scramble Prizes  - 1st-3rd Male and 1st-3rd Female
  • Snodsbury Scoot Prizes - Certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd runner for ages 5 and under, 6-8 years, 9-11 and 12-16 years.



By signing up each individual agrees to the following:

The individual confirms that they have no medical disability that would endanger themselves or others by taking part (and will not run if unfit to do so on the day).

The individual understands that the organisers will not be liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness howsoever caused as a result of entering the race.  The individual agrees that during the race they will obey marshals' instructions. 

To ensure the safety of all runners the use of MP3 players during the race will not be allowed. This ensures all runners are aware of their surroundings and can hear instructions from the marshalls. Any runners using MP3 players will be disqualified from the race.

PHOTOGRAPHY: We are having a race day photographer. If you do not wish your image to appear as a significant part of any photograph that she publishes on the web or provides to the press, you should put a large thick red cross across your race number. If you are under 18, please ensure that your parent/carer is aware that you are entering this race.  Please also ensure that both they and you are happy for photos of you taken at the race to be published on the web.  If you or your parent/carer do not wish photos of you to be published on the web, please add a large thick red cross to your race number.  Red markers will provided at the Race HQ for this purpose.

DATA PROTECTION: The information provided by entrants will be used solely for the purpose of the race. The information will only be available to members of the results team and appropriate race officials and will not be passed to any other person or agency.

EVENT CANCELLATION: The event will only be cancelled due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances. In such an eventuality all participants will be notified as soon as possible. In this event, entrants will be offered the opportunity to have your entry fee returned less any fees incurred by Entry Central. Alternatively, the entry fee will be considered as a donation to the community group/charity funds.

Please note that by entering the event you have accepted the Entry Central refunds policy

We would like to say a big thank you to our sponsors who have kindly supported the race:

Main Sponsors


If you have any further queries please email: or visit our website 



To sign-up for this event, the Service Fee is 4% (min 50p) for each sign-up

Snodsbury Scramble
19 Jun 2025 23:59£13.00
Snodsbury Scoot
19 Jun 2025 23:59£4.50

Dates and Status

Date: 22 Jun 2025

Closing Date: 19 Jun 2025 23:59

Status: Open

Snodsbury Scramble??/200
Snodsbury Scoot??/50


Natasha Dent

Upton Snodsbury Park Cowsden Lane Upton Snodsbury WR7 4NZ