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Wye Valley Summer Cross Country sign up has now closed and you will not be able to sign-up for it. Please check the Organiser's Description for any organiser updates.
This event is in a testing state, and is not open for public sign-ups until the organiser has launched it.

Organiser's Description

Summer Cross Country League 2024

All Wednesdays at 7.30 pm 

Open to all club members - regardless of speed, age or ability!

The annual summer cross-country series approaches. Get ready and get signed up now.

Free! The club are charged a lump sum but we use our tiny reserves to ensure everyone gets a free ride.

Dates are:


12 June Treworgan Farm LLangrove

26 June Sports Centre Wilton, Ross

10 July - Westons Cider Much Marcle

24 July Newton Court Leominster


Race Specific final briefing notes will be on club WhatsApp, App and FB 10 days or so before each race

All races are between 5 and 6 ish miles - undulating but all very runable! Fantastic club event - all weathers.

You must sign up here and you will be issued with a number that you need to hang on to. Numbers issued at the events by Jerry or Becki - our club XC Captains

The numbers are linked to the chip timing system and are mandatory.

Club vests must be worn - if you haven't got one or awaiting delivery we have stock of some vintage gear which is so very 2023. Speak to Kate Green

We encourage everyone to give it a go. Do not worry if you can't make them all - that's fine.

You still need a number if you think you will be at a few.


Go Wye Valley!

Becki and Jerry






The organiser has included pricing details in the Organiser's Description

For each sign-up, the organiser pays the Service Fee of 4% (min 50p). You pay no surcharge

Dates and Status

Date: 12/06/2024

11:00:00 - 12:00:00

Status: Closed

Total Places: 100

Places Available: ??



Paddy Nugent